Monday, June 4, 2007

The writings of St. Josemaria have moved me tremendously

From Maurin of Hollywood, Fl:

"Whenever you see a poor, wooden cross, alone, uncared-for, worthless...and without a corpus, don't forget that that cross is your cross--the everyday hidden cross, unattractive and unconsoling--the cross that is waiting for the corpus it lacks: and that corpus must be you."

[This] quote both draws me and horrifies me at the deepest levels.

I have no first-hand experience of Opus Dei, but the writings of St. Josemaria have moved me tremendously.

"The Way" and "The Furrow" are filled with quotes that impact just as much. What great material for prayer, meditation and Adoration of our Lord in the Eucharist.

Taken from:

From the same thread:

I used to have a friend from the Philipines who was in Opus Dei. We got together with her regularly and did examinations of conscience and readings from the Opus Dei books and other stuff. I still have all the books and need to make better use of them. It was a good experience for me, but I was never a member of Opus Dei. My friend was very holy, and taught us how to offer up everything and make everything a prayer.

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