Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm not a member of Opus Dei but I know many people who are

Comments on the article titled "Gilles Duceppe owes an apology to Catholics" in the National Post.

I find it interesting that those who are ignorant of the facts are also the most intolerant of those who have different views. Perhaps if they did their research and met with members of Opus Dei, they would find them to be very hardworking, generous and happy people, who are trying to live their Christian faith in the ordinary circumstances of their family, social and professional lives.

I look at all the wonderful work that the Catholic Church, of which Opus Dei is one of many lay movements, is doing around the world and in Canada and I say "THANK GOD!!" (By Jo K)

I'm not a member of Opus Dei but I know many people who are. I'm always impressed by their devotion to their faith, family, work and society in general. They have an energy and a willingness to put themselves at the service of others which is remarkable. I also think that many people comment about Opus Dei in ignorance. They really know nothing about it except what they have heard in the media or read in third rate fiction. (By Rachel Clare)

I have known Opus Dei for the better of part of my whole life (now 41 y.o. age). I once thought I was being called to be a celibate member of Opus Dei, but was told that that way was not for me (which my husband and my now 5 kids would agree with). It is rare indeed to find people who truly wish to help each individual find God in their own circumstances and help them courageously give meaning to all they do while rendering service to all those whom they come into contact within their daily lives. (by Anonymous)

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