Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Making Space for God in a Communication World


Father Manuel Tamayo admits that being on Facebook means he sometimes has to endure "rather irreverent jokes." But he says the most gratifying part of evangelizing through the media is hearing someone say they've converted or found clarity reading his words.

The Peruvian priest said this in an interview in which he reflected on Benedict XVI's message for this year's World Day of Social Communications, which focuses on priests' use of the media.

Father Tamayo says he remembers being a student when he heard that St. Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei, encouraged youth to study journalism.

"He encouraged young people to follow this career, because he wanted young people with a Christian concept of life to [...] be able to spread Christian doctrine through every means," Father Tamayo recalled. "The Church cannot stay behind and must use these means to reach the people. Hence the Holy Father's concern in encouraging priests."

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