Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Zhanara discovers Catholicism in Amsterdam

In the city of canals, it’s already dark. At the Church of Our Lady of Amsterdam, after the sun has set, the Pascal Vigil begins.

To Zhanara, this celebration has a special meaning: she will become a daughter of God in the Catholic Church. She came closer to the faith by the grace of God; the help of a group of friends made the way easier.

How did you prepare for Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion?

In September 2006, I found information on the Internet about the church of Our Lady of Amsterdam. That’s how I came in contact with its rector, Fr. Ploeg. From him I received all kinds of help and encouragement. He suggested that I follow a Christian doctrine course at the Aenstal Residence, located in the middle of Amsterdam.

I also attended meditations on the gospel preached by this priest at Aenstal. I met other girls and saw in practice what it’s like being a Catholic. I was impressed by the way they helped me to know the doctrine and to practice love for God. These weekly meditations were a great inspiration for me.

My friend Marco was a constant support along my path towards Christianity, always willing to explain different aspects of the faith. Another important part of my preparation was a spiritual retreat at the Zonnenwende Conference Center. I spent four days devoted to deepening my knowledge and love of God.

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