Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I'm gonna say something that many might gasp at

By Josh Fallaw at Catholic Answers Forum. He is 31 years old and his work involves Tech Support.

I, like many others I'm sure, never heard of St. Josemaria or Opus Dei until the DaVinci Code, after which I just had to check it out.

Now I'm gonna say something that many might gasp at: Thank God for the DaVinci Code!

Upon studying their excellent website, and reading a book on Opus Dei written by a non-Catholic (it was actually totally neutral, simply giving the history and practices of the organization), and reading The Way, as well as watching the videos of St. Josemaria that are regularly posted on the website, I started praying to that wise and wonderful Saint for intercession that I might find my proper place and career path at my place of employment, which I was considering leaving.

Not a week later, I was approached by the Training Coordinator and asked to train the class of new technicians starting in January! There is no raise, but I would be doing what I love- helping others! I already have so many plans on how I'm going to train them better than I was trained, and look forward to the day I can see them advance in the company.

I am certain that this blessing was solely due to the intercession of St. Josemaria. I immediately bought a medal of the Saint and took up a private devotion, and have received many spiritual blessings.

I have contacted the only Opus Dei members in the area (four hundred miles away in Albuquerque) and am communicating with the husband. I plan to attend a retreat or event at the earliest opportunity. I encourage anyone to visit or and learn more about this man and his Work!

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