Thursday, February 28, 2008

20th-century a Kempis

By Stratiotes Doxha Theon "Στρ ... (Richmond, Missouri) 5.0 out of 5 stars, June 14, 2007. A review of The Way.

This collection of inspirational sayings is too often underrated. Read it as Fr. Josemaria suggests in the preface of the book and you will find much with which to be challenged. It is a 20th-century Thomas a Kempis fortified with the importance of the so-called "small and insignificant" things of life.

It is a call for Roman Catholics in particular to gain from careful and continuous study of the scriptures along with the mystagogy that Roman Catholics have appreciated since the first century. Given careful consideration, the sayings can enhance your devotional life in a way that impacts every other aspect of your life. Fr. Josemaria reminds us again and again that every Christian has a vocation, a calling, and that bringing Jesus to ordinary life transforms and sanctifies that life. It is a message all Christians can find life-changing.

It is a simple teaching that one might wonder why it has caused such a stir. But it is in the application that this teaching can shake and transform our culture. For that reason, I think, it is feared by those resisting such change. It is only for the brave; your church and your culture may not be ready for the revolution it could bring. But little could compare to the rewards that await those brave. You will find versions of this and other of the author's works at escrivaworks dot org.

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