Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Opus Dei's powerful intercessor

By Josephine Darang in Philippine Daily Inquirer

WHEN Conrad Ricafort, information director of Opus Dei in the Philippines, gave me the history of Servant of God Montserrat Grases, I didn’t know that she was such a powerful intercessor. She helped me in many ways, especially when I prayed for the healing of a friend of mine. Montserrat, or Montse for short, was an Opus Dei numerary in Barcelona, Spain. She suffered from Ewing’s sarcoma and died March 26, 1959. She was only 18 years old.

Immediately after her death, people started praying for her intercession. Testimonies of healing reached the Prelature of Opus Dei in Rome. Information bulletins on her life and prayer cards were printed in different languages. In the Philippines, prayer cards are in English, Cebuano and Filipino.

Ewing’s sarcoma

“Ewing’s sarcoma” is a malignant round cell tumor. It is a rare disease in which cancer cells are found in the bone or soft tissue. It affects the pelvis, femur, humerous and the ribs.

Montse must have been in a lot of pain, but she offered it all to God. On March 8, 1959, she received the anointing of the sick. The cause for her canonization was submitted to Rome on Dec. 19, 1962. On May 15, 1992, the Sacred Congregation of the Causes of Saints issued a decree declaring the validity of the process of her canonization.

Her mortal remains were transferred to Bonaigue Residence Hall in Barcelona.

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