Last Saturday, I had the great pleasure of listening to a talk given by the Prelate of Opus Dei- His Excellency Bishop Javier Echevarria. It was a very enlightening and inspiring talk - given straight from the heart, with the wisdom that can only be attained through a strong faith and deep relationship with God.
I thought I'd take the time to pen down what he said about children and family. This was in response to a question raised by Marjorie, who is the coordinator for the Family Enrichment Program that I am attending with Mark. She and her husband, Cyprian currently have 6 children (her youngest is 1.5) and they are expecting their seventh child. If you knew them, you would be in awe at how they manage their lives and respect them for it. She said they struggled with the decision of whether or not to have a seventh, often feeling that they have not enough time with the children (both of them work) and asked for some words of advice.
His answer
1) See the children coming to your home as a sign of God giving his love to you. Tell the Lord to protect your children and pray for all the other children of the world. Love God through your children.
2)Teach the older children to take responsibility, to take care of their siblings.
3) Always have a big smile on your face when you come back home from work. Even if you have been away, your smile and love will make your children look forward to you.
4) Don't seek comfort for its own sake. Don't use that as an excuse not to have more children.
5) Be good friends of your children so that they learn the right things, from you. Set good examples for your children. May the children drink the faith of your life.
Nice simple words of advice. I find it helps us see the bigger picture. Often, we can be caught up in our own self centered pursuits. Often, we don't even see them as self centered pursuits but necessary to our well being. Sometimes, we just need to stop and think, and consider the bigger and more important picture. I found his words inspiring.
Found in "Ah Boo Chuck!": Tales of a mum and her two kids, Alison, and Angeline.
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