By Chuck in National Catholic Register
Opus Dei is not a member organization in the sense that you fill out an application and get a membership card. It’s a personal prelature of the Catholic Church. The name means Work of God. Opus Dei does have an organizational structure though that includes a Bishop in Rome, centers, priests and lay people who provide support. Its mission is to help people turn their work and daily activities into occasions for growing closer to God, for serving others, and for improving society. It’s all about living holiness in the “middle of the world” as St. Josemaria describes it. I find it to be the most simple way to try to become a saint that there is.
I was introduced to Opus Dei many years ago and am a Cooperator in central Missouri where we have a growing group of men and women who are trying to live our lives according to the teaching of Jesus. We receive formation through meetings and living a plan of life that includes daily prayer, Mass, frequent confession and an annual retreat. I’ve had the opportunity to visit Opus Dei centers here in the U.S. in St. Louis, New York and in Belgium, Germany and Italy. The priests I’ve met are some of the most joyful I know of.
Opus Dei has had an incredibly positive influence on my life. My wife and oldest daughter also participate in Opus Dei retreats and feel like its a very important part of their spiritual development.
I am amazed to see the amount of misinformation that is circulated on the internet about Opus Dei. It’s not a secret society. There’s actually nothing secret about it. You can learn more at the Opus Dei website: